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The Government requests the immediate abolition of the requirement to present household registration books

In Resolution No. 121/NQ-CP dated September 11, 2022, the Government requested the Provincial People's Committee to review and adjust immediately to abolish regulations on the requirement to present household registration books for use of identity cards. electronic identification, population data in the implementation of transactions, administrative procedures for citizens.

Chính phủ yêu cầu bãi bỏ ngay quy định phải xuất trình sổ hộ khẩu - Ảnh 1.

The Government requests the immediate abolition of the requirement to present household registration books

Resolution No. 121/NQ-CP dated September 11, 2022 of the Government specifying the implementation of the project on developing the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022. - 2025, vision to 2030 (project 06).

The Government requires ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies to urgently review documents under the state management of their ministries and branches, identify problems that need to be revised and propose plans and solutions to improve the situation. The revised process meets the roadmap set out by project 06, Law on residence and the removal of household registration books and temporary residence books according to the Law on Residence, and send the results to the Ministry of Public Security before September 20, 2022.

Based on the review results of ministries and branches, the Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in, agreeing on a roadmap and solutions to amend the document and submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision before September 30. 2022.

If necessary, propose amendments to the document in the direction of building a decree amending many decrees in a shortened order and procedures to solve problems related to the removal of the household registration book from January 1, 2023. . The goal is to complete this task by December 2022.

Notably, the Government's Resolution requires the Provincial People's Committee to immediately review and adjust to abolish regulations on the requirement to present household registration books to use identity, electronic identification, population data. in carrying out transactions and administrative procedures for citizens.

The resolution emphasizes the need to ensure information security and safety conditions for connection and use of data in the National Population Database instead of requiring the presentation of household registration books, completing in October 2022.

The Prime Minister also assigned relevant ministries and branches such as Health, Justice, Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Vietnam Social Insurance, Government Office to urgently coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to integrate, connecting professional software with inter-connected public service software for pilot implementation; completed by September 15, 2022.

Updated on September 16, 2022



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