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Strengthening vaccination against Covid-19 and infectious disease prevention


The official dispatch reads: "Vaccine is the most important and decisive strategic measure in the prevention and control of Covid-19. Implement Official Letter No. 4968/BYT-DP dated September 13, 2022 of the Ministry of Health on strengthening vaccination against Covid-19 and prevention and control of infectious diseases. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested:

1. The relevant departments, branches, localities and agencies continue to thoroughly grasp the guiding viewpoints and focus on implementing the objectives under the direction of the Government, the Prime Minister and the National Steering Committee for National Defense. fight against the Covid-19 epidemic at Notice No. 246/TB-VPCP dated August 12, 2022 of the Government Office; Resolution 38/NQ-CP of the Government; Dispatch No. 680/CD-TTg dated August 1, 2022, Dispatch No. 775/CD-TTg dated August 25, 2022; guiding documents of the Ministry of Health: Official Letter No. 4163/BYT-DP dated August 4, 2022, Official Letter No. 4619/BYT-DP dated August 25, 2022, Decision No. 2265/QD-BYT dated 22 August 2022 in association with the guiding documents of the Provincial People's Committee on strengthening Covid-19 vaccination and prevention and control of infectious diseases, monkeypox prevention and control.

According to assigned functions and tasks, strengthen direction, inspection and supervision; improve discipline and administrative discipline with a high sense of responsibility, great determination and drastic action in the prevention and control of epidemics and vaccination against Covid-19.

2. The Health sector and localities, in case of necessity, advise and establish special working groups with the participation of authorities at all levels, the health sector, departments, branches and mass organizations to implement decisions. list out the advocacy and review of vaccinated subjects; strengthen the organization of mobile vaccination points, at home, organize vaccination in areas with low vaccination rates, organize every alley, knock door-to-door, check each person to campaign for vaccination against epidemics. Directly update the vaccination database regularly, timely and fully.

3. The Department of Information and Communications, press agencies, grassroots information systems step up the propaganda on vaccination against Covid-19 epidemic in suitable times and forms. More volume, thicker.

4. The Department of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, branches and localities in continuing to monitor and closely monitor the epidemic situation in the locality; take the initiative in formulating response plans and scenarios, and in case of necessity, organize situation-based drills to be ready to respond in the event of an epidemic; strengthening training, training, capacity building supervision, diagnosis and treatment; strengthen surveillance, early detection and timely handling of disease cases and outbreaks; to step up surveillance at border gates, at medical examination and treatment establishments, and community event-based surveillance for early detection, tracing, investigation and case management, to prevent the disease from spreading to the community; well organize the flow, collection, emergency, isolation, diagnosis, care and effective treatment of cases, minimizing mortality.

Ensure sufficient drugs, equipment, supplies and medical personnel for epidemic prevention and control; consolidating the epidemic prevention and control force and properly, fully and promptly implementing funding for epidemic prevention and control activities.

Strengthen guidance, support and direction for the establishment; regularly organize briefings and inspect, supervise and urge the performance of assigned tasks.



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