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Online conference on fire prevention and fighting and preliminary review of 5 years of implementation of Decree No. 83/2017/ND-CP dated July 18, 2017 of the Government

This morning (September 12), the Government Office held an online conference with 63 provinces and cities across the country on fire prevention and fighting and a preliminary review of 5 years of implementing Decree No. 83/2017/ND- The Government's CP dated July 18, 2017 stipulates the rescue and rescue work of the fire prevention and fighting forces. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh chaired the Conference.

View of the Conference at the bridge point of Lai Chau province.

Attending the conference at the bridge point of Lai Chau province were Mr. Ha Trong Hai - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; representatives and leaders of a number of related departments, departments and branches.

According to a report of the Ministry of Public Security, in the past 5 years from 2017 to 2021, there were over 17,000 fires nationwide, of which mainly fires in houses, facilities and means of transport; killed 433 people, injured 790 people, preliminary damage to property was estimated at over 7 trillion VND and over 7,500 hectares of forest. In addition, over 2,700 small fire-related incidents occurred; 149 explosions, 64 people died, 190 people were injured, property damage was 1.14 billion VND.

In the first 8 months of the year, there were 1,136 fires nationwide, killing 57 people, injuring 52 people, causing property damage estimated at VND 531 billion and 39 hectares of forest. The main cause through investigation showed that mainly due to system failure, electrical equipment, careless use of fire source, heat source ...

During the 5 years of implementing rescue and rescue missions according to the provisions of Decree No. 83/2017/ND-CP dated July 18, 2017 of the Government, providing for the rescue and rescue work of the fire prevention force. and fire fighting, the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force mobilized 235,208 officers and soldiers and 30,435 turns of vehicles to participate in the rescue and rescue organization, directly saving 6,786 people. , guiding the escape of tens of thousands of people. In addition, through monitoring the situation, there are thousands of other small incidents and accidents organized by the people and local forces, but there is no report to the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency. and Rescue and Rescue to organize statistics...

View of the Conference at the bridge points.

Discussing at the Conference, the delegates focused on difficulties and problems at the facility, proposed some solutions to effectively implement the work of fire prevention, fighting and rescue during the time. next time.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh delivered the closing speech of the Conference.

Speaking at the conclusion of the Conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed that "fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue must" be identified as a very important task. Government committees at all levels, functional forces, and core forces have strongly stepped in, especially strengthening propaganda, dissemination and education to raise people's awareness in fire prevention and fighting. and rescue and rescue. Promoting the central and central role of the People in fire prevention, fighting and rescue, ensuring fire safety, reducing loss of life and property caused by fire and explosion. Continue to deploy and implement the Government's directives, resolutions and decrees on fire prevention and fighting and rescue; formulating and implementing Decree No. 83/2017/ND-CP dated July 18, 2017 of the Government regulating the rescue and rescue work of the fire prevention and fighting forces; focus on perfecting policies on  fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue; review and modify the fire prevention and fighting process in accordance with the current situation.

In addition, all levels of government committees, functional forces strengthen the inspection of the implementation of fire prevention and fighting; strictly handle violations; interested in investing in purchasing equipment for fire prevention and fighting. Highlight the responsibilities of heads of agencies and units in fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue. Strengthening the organizational structure of the police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue, regular, elite, modern, adept in professional, technical, and tactical rescue. Clearly define responsibilities, reorganize the directing of fire prevention and fighting forces and rescue and rescue through documents, directives and resolutions; strengthen inspection, supervision, timely reward...



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