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On the morning of September 16: Nearly 200 severe COVID-19 patients are being treated, the number of deaths is increasing, it is necessary to accelerate vaccination

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and severe cases is on an increasing trend, recently, the whole country recorded an average of nearly 3,000 new cases per day. Vaccines are still an important measure in disease prevention and control, but in many places, vaccination is still low and slow.

Severe patients, deaths from COVID-19 highest increase in several months

According to the Ministry of Health, on September 15, there were 2,963 new COVID-19 cases, but the number of recoveries was nearly 20 times higher with 55,183 cases. The day has 5 patients died - this is also the day with the highest number of deaths in recent months.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, Vietnam has had 11,450,999 infections, ranking 12 out of 227 countries and territories, while with the ratio of infections per million people, Vietnam ranks 112 out of 227 countries and regions territory (on average, there are 115,721 infections for every 1 million people).

The total number of people infected with COVID-19 in our country who have recovered so far is: 10,448,813 cases. Currently monitoring more than 959,000 cases, of which 184 severe cases are being treated, monitoring includes: Breathing oxygen through a mask: 163 cases; HFNC high flow oxygen: 4 cases; Non-invasive mechanical ventilation: 3 cases; Invasive mechanical ventilation: 14 cases.

Sáng 16/9: Gần 200 bệnh nhân COVID-19 nặng đang điều trị, ca tử vong tăng cao, phải đẩy nhanh tiêm vaccine - Ảnh 1.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of new COVID-19 cases, the number of hospitalizations and severe cases is on the rise. Recently, the whole country recorded an average of nearly 3,000 new cases per day.

The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in Vietnam so far is 43,137, accounting for 0.4% of the total number of infections. The total number of deaths ranked 24/227 territories, the number of deaths per 1 million people ranked 134/227 countries and territories in the world. Compared with Asia, the total number of deaths ranked 6/49 (3rd in ASEAN), deaths per 1 million people ranked 27/49 Asian countries and territories (ranked 5th in ASEAN).

Be proactive in anti-epidemic plans and scenarios, further speeding up the progress of COVID-19 vaccination

According to the Ministry of Health, although the epidemic situation is still basically under control, bringing socio-economic activities back to normal, the number of new cases, hospitalizations and severe cases is on the trend. increase. Recently, the whole country recorded an average of nearly 3,000 new cases per day, many localities have recorded new variants of Omicron such as BA.4, BA.5, BA2.74, BA 2.12.1 with the potential more contagious than the original strain.

The Ministry of Health also stated that the vaccination rate for target groups has increased after a period of stagnation, but it still does not meet the requirements in some places, the vaccination progress is still slow, the vaccination rate is especially low. for children is still low, while the World Health Organization assesses the world is still in a pandemic phase and warns about new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that can make the COVID-19 epidemic become a pandemic. complex and increasing again. Vaccines are still an important measure in disease prevention and control.

Therefore, it is necessary to continue to closely monitor the epidemic situation, especially the emergence of new variants of COVID-19, regularly assess and analyze the situation and risk factors; proactively develop scenarios, response plans and respond to all possible situations of the epidemic; promptly update and supplement professional guidance and local support in the prevention of COVID-19 epidemic.

Continue to strengthen direction to further accelerate the progress of vaccination against COVID-19 to ensure safety, science and effectiveness. At the same time, continue to well organize the flow, collection, emergency, isolation and timely treatment of cases, paying special attention to high-risk groups, minimizing deaths; strictly implement infection control, prevent cross-infection in the hospital; strengthen the direction of the line, support the downline.

Continue to secure drugs, supplies, medical equipment and human resources for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic; continue to strengthen the anti-epidemic force, encourage and improve the treatment regime for medical staff in the area, especially preventive health workers, grassroots health workers, medical staff in facilities. treatment; continue to urge and guide the implementation of research and production of vaccines, biological products, drugs, supplies and equipment.

Continue to strengthen information and communication work on disease prevention and control; propagandize to improve people's knowledge towards changing personal behaviors that are beneficial to health for disease prevention and control, especially continuing to promote information on the effects and effectiveness of vaccines in preventing serious diseases, mortality, encouraging and mobilizing people to fully participate in vaccination on schedule.

At the same time, effectively organize the implementation of the communication campaign to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the new situation "For a stable and healthy Vietnam" according to the message "2K (masks, disinfection) + vaccines + medicines. + treatment + technology + people's consciousness and other measures";

WHO urges countries to focus on 100% coverage of COVID-19 vaccines for high-risk groups

The total number of COVID-19 cases in the world is more than 615.6 million cases, over 6.52 million deaths.

On September 14, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the number of new cases and deaths from COVID-19 last week fell to the lowest level since March 2020.

The WHO Director-General called on countries to seize this opportunity to end the pandemic, maintain efforts and take advantage of available tools such as vaccines and treatment drugs to prevent the spread and death in a way. be proactive even with the emergence of new variants and future waves of infection.

On the same day, WHO published six policy summaries on actions that countries can take to respond to COVID-19 in the new situation. In particular, WHO calls on countries to focus on 100% vaccine coverage for high-risk groups, including health workers and the elderly, considering it the highest priority on the road to achieving the highest rate of vaccine coverage. 70% vaccine coverage; continue testing and sequencing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and integrate surveillance and testing services with services for other respiratory illnesses, including influenza.



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